Where it all began.

From the calling to the mission.

Sur Coffee's mission statement pictured on a wall with bags of coffee on the ground in front of it. The script reads "Doing Good Farm to Cup"
A group of people worshipping together inside Sur Coffee's Huntington Beach location.
Olivia sitting in the badlands, with her feet propped up on the cooler. She's looking rather tough while drinking a Liquid Death.
The badlands on South
A group of people worshipping together inside Sur Coffee's Huntington Beach location.
Curtis and Mathilda's fifth wheel, parked beneath a palm tree in sunny California
A worship service at New Life Church in Calvert County, Maryland. Curtis Hunnicut is speaking and preaching on stage.
The Calling

Selling it all and leaving.

With a growing ministry in Southern Maryland, Curtis and Mathilda knew they were being called to something new, they just weren't sure what yet. They sold their home and began renovating a 5th Wheel for a discovery trip around to US to see what God was up to.

The Test

Tragedy after obedience.

Just as they stepped into that new season, tragedy struck. Curtis's brother and sister in-law were shot and killed and his nephew was shot multiple times. This became a trial that would give fire and passion to the ministry that they didn't yet know they would start.

Curtis and Mathilda Hunnicutt on their wedding day with Curtis's brother and sister in-law.
Curtis and Mathilda's fifth wheel, parked beneath a palm tree in sunny California
The Trip

A 5th Wheel Across the US.

So they left! In 2022 they found themselves working alongside missional church planters in Southern California with two kids as God prepared them for what they were to do next. They've documented the journey along the way.

The Destination

Business and church in unity.

What they found was an answer to prayer. Gatherings focused on mission and partnering alongside businesses to use all of the gifting available in the Body. They then realized the part they had to play in the movement that God was already setting forth, and the team began to form around them.

A worship service in a backyard under the dim warm string lights.

Our Team

Meet some of the missionaries behind the mission.

Joe Bradshaw
Joe Bradshaw
Visual Arts
Curtis & Mathilda Hunnicutt
Curtis & Mathilda Hunnicutt
Director & Design
Kyle & Sophia Harmon
Kyle & Sophia Harmon
Prayer Support
Corri Cusimano
Corri Cusimano
Donor Relations & Admin
Abby Floyd
Abby Floyd
Design & Messaging
Jack & Kia Shader
Jack & Kia Shader
Missions Development
Darrell Williams II
Darrell Williams II
Jordan Ryskamp
Jordan Ryskamp
Web Strategy

A Few Core Things We Value


A passionate
pursuit of God.

We focus on what God is already doing and pursue ridiculous calls from Him.


Being missionaries
to the misfits.

We live life with the people who don't "fit in" at church.



We heed the cause of adventure and never shy away from the difficult when it's necessary.



We believe strong character and strong families produce strong disciples and strong communities.

Oversight and Accountability

We believe in having a strong community around us for wisdom and accountability. We are better, together.