Water and Housing in East Africa

If you ever happen to find yourself in Mansfield, Texas on Main Street, there’s a coffee shop like you’ve never been to before.
What you’ll find as you enter in is a decor that immediately brings a feeling of home, rather than a place of business. And if you’re lucky, you’ll be greeted with a, “Hey friend!” by one of the coolest people you’ll ever meet.

Amy Ryan has turned her business into an Oasis and she’s extended that love and hope to East Africa with a partner church and organization on the ground there.

On Sunday evenings there’s a gathering of friends and family that eat some food and dig through scripture together and lovingly argue their way through it, learning how to apply it to their every day lives.
They have now begun to take profits from the business to bring solutions of water and housing to villages in Kenya by partnering with “House for a Home” and “The Community at Lakeridge”.

The last well that they dug now serves 400 families with clean water, and as these people go to get their buckets filled for the day they are met with the local pastor who gets to tell them about the living water that they now have access to through Jesus Christ.
When we choose a project to invest in, we look for sustainability. For us, sustainable means it’s an investment that will serve people for generations to come. Sustainable means that there is a focus on making disciples. And sustainable means that there is a trusted leader involved in the project.
Our goal with Flying Squirrel this year is to house 10 families and provide clean water for 1,000.